This gallery is mostly of family members whose identity is a mystery just now.

I must have the notes somewhere...but where?

Use the comments page to tell me who they are

(comments under the photo mean I have had some feedback to identify them - they'll get moved later to one of the other pages)

Page last updated Friday, April 04, 2008



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1. Patrick Godfrey 6-7 mo. 1927


3. Lizzie Godfrey at Broadstairs, England ca. 1933

4. At rear L-R; Sisters Violet Hickman (Fulford) & Daisy Allen (Fulford), Center L-R; Fanny Carwardine, Florence Herrington (Carwardine)

Children: Marjorie Hickman, Maurice & Vera Allen

5. L-R; Henry Robert Herrington, his Father and his son, Henry George (later ordained)